Contact Me
I would love to hear any questions, comments, suggestions, or requests from you. If you would like to see me write about any particular topic, movie, etc., please let me know.
Use the contact form below for anything you need from me. Also, make sure to subscribe to my email list to get any news or new content as soon as it comes out!
Also, I offer teaching and workshops for churches, college ministries, or any other group that is interested. I have done teaching and lectures on subjects such as Everyday Apologetics: Conversational Strategies for Sharing Your Faith, Movies as Mirrors: Using Film for Introspective Conversation, How to Read the Bible (broken down by genre), and much more. I’m always willing to develop new talks on subjects that churches, ministries, or groups feel the need for. Please contact me if you are interested in me teaching your group on these or any other subjects.
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